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更新时间:2025-03-17 20:01:41
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1. 联合国
The United Nations is an organization which most countries belong to. Its role is to encourage international peace, co-operation, and friendship.

1. United Nations

1. 联合国总部:到了联合国总部(United Nations)发现今天也不开放,只是在外面看了看,照了张像!联合国的大楼没在照片上看起来气派,可能中国任何一个省政府大楼都比它气派,唉,很多值得思考的东西!早晨去大都会的时候是从中央公园(Central Park)横穿过去的,

2. 联合国相关机构:United Nations联合国相关机构 | International Court of Justice 国际法院 | Security Council 安全理事会

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United Nations的翻译

1. The United Nations has begun busing refugees out of the reception camp to other sites so they can be better cared for.

2. The forum is jointly held by SASAC and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization.

3. The United Nations Climate Change Conference is by far the largest international conference held in Denmark.

4. Diplomatic condemnation is the most likely first response, followed by targeted economic sanctions and possibly a United Nations Security Council resolution.

5. Sponsored by the Luo Hong Environment Foundation and supported by the United Nations Environment Program, a nationwide painting competition began at the end of last month.

6. Honduras has the highest homicide rate of any country worldwide, according to a global study published this month by the United Nations.

7. The Syrian government signed the observer mission protocol in Cairo on Dec 19, after the AL threatened to refer the Syrian crisis to the United Nations Security Council.

8. China yesterday praised a meeting between Myanmar's leaders and a United Nations'special envoy as a positive step toward restoring calm in the troubled region.

9. Putin will stay at Camp David overnight during an official visit following the United Nations meetings in New York.

10. Bush welcomed Putin to Camp David and will stay overnight there following the United Nations meetings in New York.

United Nations的翻译

1. The United Nations says more than eight hundred fifty million people do not have enough food.

2. As a positive result of their meeting on board the warship, the Atlantic Charter came into existence, the principles of which would later basically be embodied in the aims of the United Nations.

3. United Nations

3. The joint expression of aims common to the United States and the British Commonwealth of Nations known as the Atlantic Charter includes not only purposes covering war but outlines of moredistant objectives.

4. United Nations

4. An increase in new car registrations in Germany, Italy and France has United States lawmakers paying close attention to government scrapping incentives recently introduced in all three European nations.

5. It is in the world interest to avoid drifting into a widening division between the have and have-not nations; to help develop the practical means for the United Nations to keep the peace; to preserve and restore our natural environment; to use the natural resources of the sea for the benefit of all; to ensure that the increase in population does not impair the quality of life; to curb narcotics traffic; to end sky piracy and the kidnapping and murder of diplomats; to ensure that the human rights of prisoners of war not be violated.


6. It was the home to the League of Nations, the predecessor of the United Nations.

7. The United States was a nonparticipating country in the League of Nations.

8. It was home to the League of Nations, the predecessor of the United Nations.

9. In the 1970s, Arab countries and other friendly developing countries gave strong support and made persistent effort in helping restore New China's lawful seat in the United Nations.

10. Since resuming its lawful seat in the United Nations in 1971, China has sent its delegation to attend every session of the UN Economic and Social Council and of the UN General Assembly, and has taken an active part in deliberation of human rights issues and stated its views on the issue of human rights, making its contributions to enriching the connotation of the concept of human rights.


11. Still, Brian Hansford at the United Nations Children's Fund says more work remains.

12. Already one of the world's heaviest carbon-dioxide emitters, China has argued that developed nations like the United States should make the biggest sacrifices because their cars and factories have been belching smoke so much longer.

13. She said the new resolution aims to give the United Nations and its members new tools to prevent violence and punish those responsible.

14. The first meeting of the United Nations General Assembly took place in New York..

15. United Nations

15. United Nations and Sudanese agencies will carry out the campaign this week and again in November.

16. United Nations的翻译

16. In the most recent survey the sentence General Walters is... presently the United States Ambassador to the United Nations was acceptable to exactly 50 percent of the Usage Panel.

17. The United Nations has rejected Taiwan's latest bid for membership, saying that a 1971 resolution recognizes Beijing - not Taipei - as China's representative to the world body.

18. He says the signatures will be presented to the United Nations as a rallying call for it to begin negotiations on a Framework Convention on the Right to Water.

19. On the one hand, the paper, in the point of view of optimal model for national economy under the conditions of sustainable development, deduces the formula for computing the Green NNP. On the other hand, on the basis of comparing the SEEA system by the United Nations with the Social Ecological Accounting Matrix by Pan Xiaoming, and the Social Matrix by Zhu Qigui, the paper puts forth the Green Social Accounting Matrix including natural resources and ecological environment.

20. United Nations是什么意思

20. Thousands also served as members of the United Nations peace keeper force in Somalia.

A United Nations aid convoy loaded with food and medicine finally got through to the besieged town.(一支联合国援助车队载着食物和药物终于抵达了被围困的市镇。)
These arguments may have been used as a rhetorical device to argue for a perpetuation of a United Nations role.(这些争论可能已被用作支持联合国角色永存的一种修辞手段。)
The United Nations dispatched a team of troubleshooters to Somalia today.(联合国今天派遣了一队纠纷人员到索马里。)
The document was previously circulated in New York at the United Nations.(这份文件过去曾在纽约的联合国总部传阅过。)
The Lithuanian parliament also sent an open letter to the United Nations.(立陶宛议会也向联合国递交了一封公开信。)
Payments must be made in U.S. dollars by a bank draft drawn to the order of the United Nations Postal Administration.(付款必须用开给联合国邮政管理处的银行汇票,并以美元支付。)
It is grossly unfair to impute blame to the United Nations.(把责任归咎于联合国是极不公平的。)
The United Nations will approve his request for authorization to use military force to deliver aid.(联合国将同意他的请求,批准他动用军队来运送救援物资。)
He was working under the flag of the United Nations.(他在联合国工作。)
Muslim and Jewish leaders have issued statements deploring the violence and urging the United Nations to take action.(伊斯兰教和犹太教领袖已经发表声明谴责该暴力行为,并敦促联合国采取行动。)
united nations是什么意思 united nations在线翻译 united nations什么意思 united nations的意思 united nations的翻译 united nations的解释 united nations的发音 united nations的同义词